Star Wars and Assassin’s Creed highlight the Ubisoft Forward

Assassin's Creed Shadows artwork

Another year, another Ubisoft Forward. I wasn’t too excited for this one, although my eye has been on Assassin’s Creed Shadows and how Ubisoft could make this work/crash and burn with this one. That said, the showcase was exactly what I expected, with an extended look at AC Shadows, Star Wars Outlaws and a few more updates.

Much like the Xbox Games Showcase and the PlayStation State of Play posts, let’s talk about what’s gone down with Ubisoft.

Assassin’s Creed Shadows looks cool but feels late

Assassin’s Creed Shadows is an interesting product since it’s a setting fans have wanted since 2010, but it also feels so late after years of shaking up the AC identity. 

Thirteen minutes of footage showed some cool stuff, especially with Naoe’s stealth segments since it’s an ode to Splinter Cell. She has a grapple device to help her climb or take down foes, and she can put out lights to hide in the shadows. There was a little underwater action and footage of her going prone was pretty cool.

Yet therein lies the problem; these features were done years ago. Will I still try it? 

Absolutely, since it’s better late than never.

But it feels so late, and with Mirage leaving me hanging, I’m not sure how this will fair.

Star Wars Outlaws bleeds the Ubisoft formula

Star Wars Outlaws opened up the show, and after a few minutes in, I realized I was watching the Ubisoft formula with a different branding on it.

Open world? Check

NPCs to talk to who give you missions? Check.

Stealth segments? Check.

Very general statements, but if you’ve played Ubisoft games for the past few years to a decade, you can kind of see what I’m getting at. It reminded me a lot of Assassin’s Creed, which is a bummer. I feel so at odds with this one, especially since every outlet has nothing but good things to say about it. 

Like Shadows, I’ll give it a whirl, although I’m not super stoked. 

To be fair, the best thing I’ve seen is how this game makes Starfield‘s shortcomings so much more painful.

Prince of Persia remake will be here at some point…

The Prince of Persia remake was announced in 2020, and since then, close to nothing has been shared on the title, leaving room to assume it’s been in development hell. The only update that came was Ubisoft Montreal would be taking over, aka the team that delivered the original title in 2003.

The Ubisoft Forward provided a brief update on the project, and that’s the fact the remake will launch in 2026. I appreciated the update, yet nothing else was shared, which is disappointing since it’s been a long time without any meat to chew on.

Other Notables

  • Season 1 of XDefiant launches July 2, with Ranked Play, a new Faction, and Capture the Flag highlights for fans. I played a little bit, and it didn’t hold me over to well. That said, I’m happy for fan who’ve been waiting for new content.
  • Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown will get a story update and The Rogue Prince of Persia is getting a game update as well. I haven’t played either yet, but I’ve heard good things so kudos to the teams involved!

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